บัลโคนี ซีไซด์ โฮเทล i Tambon Bang Phra

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Thailandบัลโคนี ซีไซด์ โฮเทล



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51/31 หมู่ 9, 20110, Tambon Bang Phra, Amphoe Si Racha, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 38 312 777
internet side: www.balconythailand.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 13.188526, Longitude: 100.930329

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ekarin Prothien


    beautiful room,nice service,food is average price and taste.

  • Виктория Олещенко

    Виктория Олещенко


    Good quality of interior and exterior, polite and attentive service. Only one thing is not perfect-no sea and beach. But in general very lovely hotel

  • Rati Wannapanop

    Rati Wannapanop


    Really nice room, great service. Good for family with little kids as well.

  • pat angsutam

    pat angsutam


    The hotel's facilities are great and are above the standard. Service is also very pleasant with fast check-in and lots of smiles. Only one important warning here is that DO NOT order Western Food!! specifically Spaghetti. The spaghetti in tomato sauce we ordered was the worst we ever had and seen and it tasted worse than that comes from canned food. We took one bite and just laughed about it at the begging. We did bring this problem to the hotel's GM; Mr. Adisak, who happened to be sitting nearby. Apathetically, he took no action or whatsoever for the food but apologizing. We were fully charged for the one bite spaghetti we ordered anyway. I'm so sorry now that I didn't take a photo to prove my point here to you all. Still as the caption above, don't order their western food.

  • Ketsiree Danpaiboon

    Ketsiree Danpaiboon


    I checked in but did not stay, since the pool was unusable (back in February 2017) but information like that was of course not stated online. I was very upset but received excellent customer service from the front desk, especially the property manager. They did their best to assist me, even though my booking wasn't done through them directly. On top of that, I left my belonging at the hotel, and they helped sending it to my address in Bangkok with no additional fee. The facility is excellent for the price and the services are top-notched. The staff there are people with true service mind, that's very rare in Thailand. If you like what you see, you won't be disappointed!

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