Baan Suwantawe Hotel Apartment i Chang Wat Phuket

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ThailandBaan Suwantawe Hotel Apartment


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1/9-10, Dibuk Road, 83000, อำเภอ เมืองภูเก็ต, Chang Wat Phuket, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 76 212 879
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Latitude: 7.885755, Longitude: 98.3926038

kommentar 5

  • Peerasak Sripruk

    Peerasak Sripruk


    It's cozy place in the heart of downtown Phuket, small but lovely. Good service, nice room and got a nice swimming pool. If you are looking for a nice cool place in town. It's must be here! Highly recommended.

  • Alessandro Conti

    Alessandro Conti


    Friendly and helpful staff, clean and comfortable rooms. Ideal place for people who plan a long stay in Phuket Town. The hotel has parking and swimming pool. The receptionists are super friendly.

  • Katja Eckert

    Katja Eckert


    Hotel is currently a big construction area so our stay wasn't very pleasant. Also experienced very poor customer service. We booked a room for two adults and a baby and they weren't able to provide a bed for the kid. They only told us this on the day of our arrival. Reception staff wasn't helpful and didn't speak English. The room was pretty run down. Wouldn't recommend this place.

  • en

    LEE JY


    Perfect location in Town. (Limelight mall, Indy night market, near Soi Rommanni, bus terminal etc.) Clean room with nice view. Small but cozy pool. The only problem is, part of the hotel is still on construction. But I think it's almost done.

  • Chris Krueger

    Chris Krueger


    We stayed here in this Hotel/Apartments many times over the past 5 years and have had always a very pleasant stay. The rooms are spacious, with a king size bed, desk, TV, large fridge and kitchenette. The bathroom is also reasonable large and as a bonus has a walk in shower as well as a bathtub. Aircon works just fine and there is a lift for people that don't want to walk. A large clean pool is available for a refreshing dip. Reception staff are very helpful and friendly and even provided us with umbrellas when it was raining.

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