Baan Soontree Resort i เชียงราย

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandBaan Soontree Resort


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47/6 Moo 12 Soi prasarnmit, ตำบล เวียง อำเภอเมืองเชียงราย เชียงราย 57000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 81 868 3519
internet side:
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Latitude: 19.9026959, Longitude: 99.843868

kommentar 5

  • en

    R P


    Hidden in a side road, but once you enter the resort it is a new world with palm trees and a (small) pool. The accommodation consists of bungalows.

  • en

    Paul Stevens


    Peaceful location, excellent staff though you need a cab or tuk tuk to get into town. Comfortable chalet style accommodation.

  • en

    Stanley van der Straten


    Lovely place for a cheap price. You sleep in little vacation houses. There is a swimming pool but no bar. The reception is very helpful and speaks good English. The houses are clean. The only con is that there are too many mosquitos.

  • en

    Troy Vanda


    Great value, huge rooms, comfy bed and you get lost in the shower 🚿

  • Ross Tresidder

    Ross Tresidder


    Beautiful, quiet, very clean rooms and the friendliest staff.. small but tastefully appointed pool

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