B. P. Samila Beach Hotel i Chang Wat Songkhla

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandB. P. Samila Beach Hotel


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8, Sadao Soi 3, 90000, Amphoe Mueang Songkhla, Chang Wat Songkhla, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 74 440 222
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Latitude: 7.2141988, Longitude: 100.5962283

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nisa Noi-Um


    Moderate hotel. Nice and clean room with a big bathroom. there's not much hotel's facility. Hotel reception has limit of information, so keep a good planning before you go. Breakfast is simple nothing interesting. It's in a good location next to Similar Beach. You can take a taxi to downtown just 10 min away.

  • Suthas Uamchan

    Suthas Uamchan


    Good room clean with breakfast Close to beach But wifi never work If i have to pay by myself not company, i will try to find another hotel

  • en

    Dante Pesce


    The hotel is in a great location and that's it. Very old furniture, poor mantainment. Seems to be in a place that stopped at certain point of time. Except prime location, for all rest, there are many better options

  • en

    Andre Rolli


    In need of upgrading feel like time stand still . Still the 70this .furniture left to be desierd

  • Pa' Din

    Pa' Din


    Sea View, good place for sunrise & sunset time lapse video/photo

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