B Boutique Residence i Chang Wat Surat Thani

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandB Boutique Residence


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40, Chonkasem Road, 84000, Suratthani, Chang Wat Surat Thani, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 89 866 2699
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Latitude: 9.1226023, Longitude: 99.3388094

kommentar 5

  • Matthew Thomas

    Matthew Thomas


    A bit out of town but the rooms are clean and there is a small parking area if you are traveling by car.

  • Reinout



    Positives: - Large rooms (we had the family room), basic utilities are provided - Cheap - Sort of nice view if you are on the 5th floor. Negatives: - Very bad location. Can't walk to anything, you have to order a Tuktuk to get anywhere interesting. - When you walk outside the hotel, there are dogs outside barking like crazy and defending their territory. Very annoying and scary. - Hotel did not have a Hospitality mindset. Rooms were dirty, mould in bathroom and the receptionist was grumpy all the time - Tuktuk hotel orders for you is very, very expensive. One ride is as expensive as a one day stay.

  • en

    Michael Brehmer


    Nice hotel in surat Thani

  • en

    sottipat sutin


    Great location. Very helpful services. Valuable price and no any hidden fee.

  • en

    Simon Beck


    Very clean and comfortable hotel! The receptionist is most helpful. A supermarket ("Makro") is nearby.

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