AVANI Khon Kaen Hotel & Convention Centre i ตำบล ในเมือง

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ThailandAVANI Khon Kaen Hotel & Convention Centre



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999 หมู่ 4 ถนน ประชาสโมสร ตำบล ในเมือง อำเภอ เมือง Chang Wat Khon Kaen 40000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 43 209 888
internet side: www.minorhotels.com
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Latitude: 16.4376188, Longitude: 102.8469752

kommentar 5

  • arron choi

    arron choi


    Stay for one night. The first impression came in a natural smile. Great experience from check-in to room the way they design the flow. Spacious and new room. Super wide selection on breakfast. It's all perfect except it would be nice if wall sockets offer USB port.

  • Ekul Star

    Ekul Star


    Great first impression, breath taking views. Clean and modern. T A large bedroom, living room and bathroom with spa bath and massive walk in shower. Staff very friendly and helpful. Would definitely stay again and recommend that friends and family. 👌👌👍👍

  • Dream Yard

    Dream Yard


    Staying here right now. Positive first impressions: Beautiful hotel. Great breakfast selection. Friendly accommodating staff so far. Spent 2 nights at Pullman first. I'll do more of a review in a few days.

  • en

    Chris Taylor


    staff at check in tried to charge me extra 300b for king bed after I booked it. Suddenly only twin available and King bed extra. London Inn pub ( in hotel ) staff tried to short change me 100b on the money... even after 412 THB (USD 13) for the beer !. Room has broken flooring ( same as one year ago when i stayed... before Centara... different room... same problem) almost cut my foot on loose screws. Sofa grossly stained and with hair. OMG. Lift your game Avani !!!!

  • Diane LeClaire

    Diane LeClaire


    Loved Avani! Staff was very hospitable and friendly. The rooms were clean and modern. Walls between rooms and in hallway a bit thin lol FYI. We had breakfast buffet every morning and we already miss it. Huge variety. Visited the London pub and the people working down there played round of pool and Jenga with us! Front desk staff and knowledgeable of places we wanted to visit and offered their suggestions. Calling a taxi was never easier or quicker with them as well. We went to visit my mom's side of the family but this hotel is a good reason for us to come back as well.

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