Amari Nova Suites Pattaya i เมืองพัทยา

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ThailandAmari Nova Suites Pattaya



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254 M.9, Soi Petchtrakool, เมืองพัทยา อำเภอ บางละมุง ชลบุรี 20260, Tajlandia
kontakter telefon: +66 38 489 488
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Latitude: 12.938993, Longitude: 100.890444

kommentar 5

  • en

    TL C


    The room I booked is a family room. It likes a house. actually, it's really bigger than my home. It's really so big. The living room is big too. It has kitchen and washing machine. The balcony is also big. Two big rooms two toilets. The price is not expensive. But, it's little bit far from the beach. 7-eleven is just near the hotel.

  • Henning Schulz

    Henning Schulz


    Gutes, sauberes Hotel, großzügiger wohn/ Schlafraum, großes Bad, Küche alles soweit vorhanden. Ein Abzug, da die Lage meines Zimmers zum nicht schönen Hinterhof zeigt und fast ganz unten war, da ist auch der beschriebene Balkon nicht wirklich erholsam. Schade, trotzdem würde ich meine Empfehlung geben! Henning Schulz / room Nr 309

  • john williams

    john williams


    It's very clean and the staff are wonderful! The rooftop pool is wonderful! Would have liked if they didn't charge 100 baht for an extra towel. I plan on staying again next month! Thanks staff!!

  • Sandeep Dhar

    Sandeep Dhar


    Good value for money. Not too far from the beach and other places of interest. Numerous convenience stores within arm's length. The apartment I stayed in was a one bedroom suite. It wasn't plush. But it was spacious and comfortable. Well equipped with a microwave, kettle, I duction oven, and a washing machine. Good for a family. The towels were worn out and definitely need a refresh. Lower floors don't have privacy. Request for 4th floor and above.

  • Christian Steiner

    Christian Steiner


    One of the best places to stay in Pattaya. The Amari Nova Residences offer modern contemporary designed rooms with every amenity you could wish, including a washer machine with dryer. The one bedroom suites are equipped with a fully loaded kitchen. The suites are furnished to a very high standard with real black leather sofas. The bathrooms have a rain shower large enough to fit 5 people!! The Amarai also provide a free transport to the beach - which is about a 110 minute walk away. All in all, the Amari Nova is a place you will want to return to.

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