Snow Town i Krung Thep Maha Nakhon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandSnow Town



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982/22, Sukhumvit Road, 10110, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 95 547 6870
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Latitude: 13.7186478, Longitude: 100.5853152

kommentar 5

  • Man Chun Lee

    Man Chun Lee


    Children can still have fun here because of the slide. But it is really pricey and small. Besides, it is Ice Town instead of Snow town! Dont expect to much!

  • Samsul Arefin

    Samsul Arefin


    Quite a disappointment. From the youtube video we expected more, but was highly disappointed once we were there. nothing much to do, the kids were bored after sometimes, we could kids just walking around the lot with a bored face.

  • en

    Franky Lange


    It maybe a pretty simple place but my kids loved every minute of it. The staff were also really friendly and even helped the kids pile snow into their sleds to build a snowman.

  • Khalid Amir Khan Gandapur

    Khalid Amir Khan Gandapur


    It is one of the best places for kids in Bangkok. Must take the socks along but it is very unfortunate that Thai people tales hefty amount from tourists and it gets very expansive if you enter as a family to this place

  • en

    Nur Liyana


    Fun place for adults and kids alike. Rent a sleigh (adult and kids size available) and slide down the slope. Make snow balls and just have fun! They also offer free hot drink! It can get quite cold so make sure to wear long sleeve or a jacket, and jeans to protect ur legs from the ice cold snow! There's a place for kids to dress up and take photos, and also a gift shop.

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