Sea Fun Divers Scuba Diving Karon Beach Patong Phuket Le Meridien Branch i Tambon Karon

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ThailandSea Fun Divers Scuba Diving Karon Beach Patong Phuket Le Meridien Branch



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Soi Karon Nui, 83100, Tambon Karon, Amphoe Mueang Phuket, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 81 367 4542
internet side:
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Latitude: 7.866469, Longitude: 98.282143

kommentar 5

  • en

    Chun I Yeh


    Amazing and unforgettable diving experience with Sea Fun Divers!! Especially thanks the instructor Anabel who helped me to overcome fear of water even I can got a Scuba Diver license which I never thought about it. I would highly recommend!!

  • en

    Jake Butler


    The team as SFD was outstanding! Able to accommodate my difficult schedule with ease. They took care of my family and tailored a plan to ensure certification and fun all around. I highly recommend SFD!

  • en

    Kunal Khaladkar


    A fantastic outfit with a very professional staff. The entire process was handled very nicely for us. Completing the rescue diver course with Marcel was a phenomenal experience. These are the people to dive with in Phuket.

  • Tina Tse

    Tina Tse


    Absolutely loved diving with these guys. Definitely the best guy I have dived with. They are a lovely bunch and very helpful. Always felt informed and safe, I actually felt sad I will not see them for some time! They also have a great photographer. I will definitely recommend it to my friends.

  • en

    thomas osborne


    My first time diving, I completed the open water course. From the moment I arrived to the moment we got back after the dive I felt safe, informed and most importantly I had a lot of fun. The facilities to learn to dive (at the hotel) are perfect, with a reef you can walk out to from the beach! The crew were friendly, the trainers were great, especially Ron who was a true expert throughout! Would reccomend learning to dive here!

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