Rasa Boutique Hotel i Chang Wat Chiang Rai

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ThailandRasa Boutique Hotel


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789/7, Paholyothin Rd., T.Wiang, A. Muang Tambon Wiang, Amphoe Mueang Chiang Rai, Chang Wat Chiang Rai 57000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 53 717 454
internet side: www.rasaboutiquehotelchiangrai.com
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Latitude: 19.9121454, Longitude: 99.8408633

kommentar 5

  • Adam Maamoun

    Adam Maamoun


    The price is good for the Hotel, old but decorated very well and the service is beyond exceptional. The hotel is mainly geared for Chinese travelers not for European visitors, the breakfast area is beautifully decorated as well as the rooms, hotel entrance and swimming pool area. The hotel was easy to locate on the highway. The breakfast was included in the booking but there was no cheese and only one kind of bread, though to be honest, there were cereal, milk, 2 kind of jam and sunny side up eggs but no waffles, no muffins, no croissants, not one type of cheese, no pancakes. Everything else was for Chinese travelers (fried rice, cooked vegetables, chicken ginger, etc). Overall, excellent choice for the money spent. Thank you Rosa management for the excellent customer service with the welcoming great smiles.

  • Rohit Ahuja

    Rohit Ahuja


    Nice rooms .. reasonably priced ... Very very good location to stay.....

  • Mike Starr

    Mike Starr


    Great hotel for 1200 baht. Large clean rooms, helpful staff, clean swimming pool, 2 streets from King Meinra monument, and 80 baht tuk tuk to city center. Free breakfast s great! WiFi was low this time. Oh, the mall is 3 tuk tuk minutes away!

  • Michael Thompson

    Michael Thompson


    A very enjoyable stay. Comfortable rooms, reasonably priced and a beautiful pool!

  • TheRDMagee



    I have no idea why this place has a 4.2 rating. The room looked and felt old. The water pressure in the shower was not strong enough , when warm, to wash the soap suds off me. Oh, and the door for the restroom was maybe 165 cm tall, which is well under the average height of a Thai person. Wifi was OK. Breakfast was good here, I will say that, and they make you a coffee drink which was really good. I did not dislike this place, but for the price it was a poor value. The room is equivalent to a 400 baht room in other parts of Chiang Rai. I would not return.

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