Piyaporn Pavilion Hotel i Mae Sai

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandPiyaporn Pavilion Hotel


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925/36 Moo 1 T.Wiangphangkham A.Maesai, Mae Sai, Mae Sai (Chiang Rai) Mae Sai, Amphoe Mae Sai, Chang Wat Chiang Rai 57130, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 97 918 4166
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Latitude: 20.4398161, Longitude: 99.8816258

kommentar 5

  • amber tan

    amber tan



  • Nitsch Ákos

    Nitsch Ákos


    Basic hotel with tv, aircon and bathroom.

  • en

    Howard Bourne


    The location is excellent. Very close to the markets, eating and the border crossing to Myanmar. The room is large and well furnished. Bed is comfortable but the pillow is more firm than i like, still had a good sleep. The bathroom is also spacious with nice fittings and plenty of hot water. My only negative comment would be the pigeons nesting in the eaves outside of the room. They can be quite noisy in the early hours. The hotel is relatively new and in good condition however i do feel the workmanship wasn't the best on construction and could deteriorate quickly. I will stay here again whilst in its present condition.

  • Ku Kho See

    Ku Kho See



  • Nathan Lemal

    Nathan Lemal


    It's very clean, good room, soft bed But the view It's not terrible..

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