Phra Prang Sam Yod (Monkey Temple) i Tambon Tha Hin

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ThailandPhra Prang Sam Yod (Monkey Temple)



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15, Prang Sam Yot Road, 15000, Tambon Tha Hin, Amphoe Mueang Lop Buri, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 96 657 0279
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Latitude: 14.803035, Longitude: 100.6139958

kommentar 5

  • Dan Ho

    Dan Ho


    Kinda fun place to visit with lots of monkeys around. However, don't let them climb your backpack as they're pretty smart and can unzip it or take your hat or glasses.

  • George Lienemann

    George Lienemann


    This ancient Khmer Temple site is overrun by some very photogenic monkeys who can be very aggressive with each other and the human visitors. If a boy approaches you and offers to help you, it would be kind and wise to take him up on his offer. Some of the kids and their parents working at selling food for the monkeys have lived with them all their lives, the monkeys consider them to be family members, so will listen to them when told to back off. It is actually a fairly unique experience.

  • en

    David Cotterell


    Its not a big temple but its well worth the visit, we arrived after 5pm expecting it to be shut but it was open till 6pm. A small fee to enter the temple and we brought a big bag of cucumbers for the monkeys only 100baht and had the temple caretaker walk with us. The monkeys are great but will jump onto you so if you are scared of them take the caretaker he keeps the monkeys in control. The downside was we parked near the monkey temple and the monkeys had ripped off the car trim and chewed the ariel. Apart from that its a great place to visit.

  • Alexander Belozerov

    Alexander Belozerov


    We had such a nice experience here, coming in the morning there was no visitors around, only playful monkeys. The keeper gave us a stick to defend ourselves and off we went around the wat. Monkeys were not aggressive so the stick was the used to play with them. They catch the stick with all four hands and you can swing them around. The smaller size monkeys loved it!

  • Vitaly Vlasov

    Vitaly Vlasov


    It's absolutely amazing place and strongly recommend to visit for all. Unforgettable impressions. Be careful monkey can rob the food even from your hands on the street. They leave only on the territory of temple and around district. In other part no. In the temple there is entry where no monkeys but you can see their live through lattice.

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