Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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349/40 ถนนไชยานุภาพ เมือง Amphoe Mueang Phitsanulok, Chang Wat Phitsanulok 65000, Tailandia
kontakter telefon: +66 55 282 966
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Latitude: 16.816506, Longitude: 100.245469

kommentar 5

  • Amandine DONY

    Amandine DONY


    Beautiful place, great and clean room. Restaurant and breakfast are good and service is ok. The pool wasn't very clean and the staff could be better with a bit of management

  • Catalina Jimenez

    Catalina Jimenez


    Espectacular todas las instalaciones y habitación.Estas en un paraíso sin ruido rodeado de vegetación en plena ciudad.

  • Nutharin Phusitphoykai

    Nutharin Phusitphoykai


    We stayed in a floating villa with the lotus pool. The villa was big and clean. The bathroom had an outdoor bathtub and indoor shower. Unfortunately, the water tap wasn't strong at all although this resort was settled in the center of downtown. The food was so so. The service wasn't professional. But the staff tried hard to give us the good service.

  • en

    Evie Dillon


    Loved the large room, large elegant bathroom, and view for the private balcony. The pool is beautiful, tranquil and warm. My massage was therapeutic and professional. And the restaurant has top notch chefs with very comfortable atmosphere.

  • Eugenio Sanchez

    Eugenio Sanchez


    Resort pequeño pero muy bonito con un lago central y las habitaciones alrededor.

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