Imperial River House Resort i Chang Wat Chiang Rai

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandImperial River House Resort



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482 ริมกก อำเภอเมือง Chang Wat Chiang Rai 57100, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 53 750 830
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Latitude: 19.920772, Longitude: 99.839385

kommentar 5

  • Rebecca Gibbons

    Rebecca Gibbons


    Wonderful and peaceful place to rest and just get away but still be close to the city! Good breakfast, nice staff, and excellent views and rooms! All the things you need in the room! Bathroom was especially nice with both a shoer and a tub for relaxing!

  • en

    Kevin Broh-Kahn


    Great room with great service in an amazing location

  • Dennis



    Treated with an upgrade so that always makes for a good review and guarantees a boomerang return when next in town! Free shuttle return to Chiang Rai Nite Bazaar! Dee marg!

  • Mr Lee

    Mr Lee


    Nice place to stay. Quite. Good value for the money.

  • Vincent Albert

    Vincent Albert


    The rooms are really big. Even with two single beds and a big sofa there is enough space to meet with 14 persons to play cards and other group games. The breakfast is rich in different foods, but not much Thai food. As well as the rooms, the pool is also very big and offers the ability to swim tracks.

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