
🕗 godziny otwarcia

10/14 Moo. 5 Soi. Ta-iead Ao Chalong, Muang Phuket Thailand, อำเภอเมืองภูเก็ต ภูเก็ต 83130, Thailand
kontakt telefon: +66 85 186 9570
strona internetowej: www.muaythaitrainingthailand.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 7.8535306, Longitude: 98.3447392

komentarze 5

  • Jerome Hurley

    Jerome Hurley


    Veteran fighters with plenty of experience and techniques to help you improve your form. I spent 3 months here in 2013 loved it

  • Brandon Mushlin

    Brandon Mushlin


    Great Camp To Train At, was here a little bit as well when training at various gyms!

  • Maggie Verity

    Maggie Verity


    Total disappointment. The gym is a typical Thai gym meaning smelly and dirty. Equipment everywhere, run down bags and pads. The trainers would not stop speaking thai all to each other during our warm up. Talking over us stretching in class. It felt like a thai boys club who just happened to have people show up to train. The trainers would yell for you to move from ring to pads and visa versa in a harsh tone. Felt like cattle. They also are aggressive with their technique. They didnt know whether it was my first time (it wasn't I had trained 3 weeks prior at an amazing place), and the gave no direction to how to do anything and no one asked me if I'd done it before. The trainer I was with didn't care during my 4 rounds with him and aggressively hit my on the head within 30 seconds of my round which bothered me. He barely worked me and didnt seem to care. The 4 rounds on the bag (my old place had done 5 and 5 which was way better). Overall you get what you pay for one class 300bht, wouldn't go back.

  • Energy Orakle

    Energy Orakle


    Loved my training here! The trainers are great and really help you perfect every strike. The fitness training plus the technique training is amazing! I can't wait to go back again soon to train with these guys again.

  • Bitu Williams

    Bitu Williams


    Enjoying my private sessions here. 600 baht for 1 hour. Lots of technique training and building up with moves etc... Group classes are good at 300 baht but you may find you get more out of the privates

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