בית חבד בנגקוק Chabad House Bangkok i Krung Thep Maha Nakhon

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Thailandבית חבד בנגקוק Chabad House Bangkok



🕗 Ã¥bningstider

96, Soi Rambuttri, 10200, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 81 869 5164
internet side: www.chabadthailand.co.il
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 13.7596742, Longitude: 100.4975955

kommentar 5

  • en

    Vlorat Kadrija


    During our stay in Bangkok we went to the Khao San Road and then checked out the streets nearby. We found this place and saw quite some people in there. When trying to enter, we were stopped with a weird look and the question "Where are you from?" Me, Albanian, and my girlfriend, German, both living in Germany. His next questions were "What do you want here?", "What are you looking for?" and "Why did you come here?" After answering all that investigational nonsense, he said we couldn't get in and just check if we can find a synagogue / Jewish restaurant in Germany. This is not OK at all. If you are not Jewish or in company of a Jewish person, you won't be able to visit this place. Disappointing.

  • en

    jo jo


    entry for jews only, why is this acceptable?

  • Ayelet S

    Ayelet S


    Entrance for jews only. Great people,homey feeling.

  • David naftalis

    David naftalis


    home away from home. warm place and wide open hospitality.

  • Jens Roth

    Jens Roth


    The only positive thing I can say is that they serve absolutely awesome falafels on the street sometime. When seems to differ a lot. It absolutely sucks that they won't let people who are non-jewish come in and eat, but whatever...

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