Ayothaya Riverside Hotel i Kamong

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ThailandAyothaya Riverside Hotel



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91/1 Moo 10, Kamong, อำเภอ พระนครศรีอยุธยา พระนครศรีอยุธยา 13000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 35 243 139
internet side: www.ayothayariversidehotel.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 14.355034, Longitude: 100.58198

kommentar 5

  • Traveling Gypsie

    Traveling Gypsie


    Just an ok hotel for the room rate. Building is old like you can really smell it upon entering the room. What's good though is that they have a really amazing staff that respond quickly to your needs. Kudos to the cute lady at the frontdesk and the wait staff at breakfast. All 3 stars is because off them.

  • Lakkhana Aimkosa

    Lakkhana Aimkosa


    Nice view from here, hotel is old but clean. Breakfast is good taste.

  • Robert Gianessi

    Robert Gianessi


    If you've got your own mode of transport, the hotel is perfect. It feels like you step back into 1980s Thailand. I didn't get a good view from my room, but I booked last minute. There was a tour bus of univerity students there but it was still very quiet. Breakfast was nice. I enjoyed my stay.

  • veronica Hall

    veronica Hall


    A typical 2 star hotel. Rooms were clean, but dated. Limited services. We were only here one night for the convenience of location to the train station. We didn't try the food, but there a a few very nice restaurants within easy walking distance.

  • Ken Sukawat

    Ken Sukawat


    I got a recent renovated room which was nice. The room light is a bit dark and the shower was non-adjustable temperature. You basically shower in hot water, not warm, only. The air con compressor was noisy and located just next to your bed. Towel was new and clean. You can smell cigarette in corridor. The front desk service was great. The low price was only to offset any imperfect condition. Breakfast is by order and limited menu. Taste is average to poor, but you can see the river from your dinning table.

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