Ayodhara Village (อโยธารา วิลเลจ) i Chang Wat Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya

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ThailandAyodhara Village (อโยธารา วิลเลจ)



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56, หมู่ 1 ตำบล หัวรอ, 13000, Amphoe Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, Chang Wat Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 81 930 0770
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 14.391347, Longitude: 100.565624

kommentar 5

  • en

    Hao Xu


    Nice hotel with beautiful view. I like the hotel and its thai traditional design.

  • Ste Pye

    Ste Pye


    Amazing scenery, beautiful remote location. Classic style individual private homes to stay in. Unfortunately only serve a basic breakfast and can not accurate you for any other food. Must bring own food and due to location you need to have either your own car or bike, or use local tuktuk drivers who can be your very own guide for the day. Very off the beaten track. Please don't ride any elephant's, go to the elephant sanctuary instead and help contribute to rescuing them. Staff only speak Thai. No hair dryer, shower is poor. But the views from the lake are amazing.

  • Am Abdulla

    Am Abdulla


    nice places.

  • en

    สุรัตน์ แก้วแก่นจันทร์


    Beautiful place and clean

  • Temsak Phungrassami

    Temsak Phungrassami


    Authentic Thai style room, remote area, good for people who love quiet place.

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