Amarin Lagoon Hotel i Chang Wat Phitsanulok

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ThailandAmarin Lagoon Hotel



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52/299, Phra Ong Khao, 65000, Muang, Chang Wat Phitsanulok, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 55 220 999
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Latitude: 16.824457, Longitude: 100.287685

kommentar 5

  • Marc Nealer

    Marc Nealer


    Great pool and nice location. Whole place is a little run down though

  • en

    Michael Killar


    Popular hotel for tour groups. Very nice grounds and a large swimming pool. Some things need to be refurbished. Has a decent breakfast buffet. It is at the edge of the city, but you can walk to Big C in about 10 minutes.

  • Ben Dively

    Ben Dively


    Nice hotel overall. Good discounts. Shows signs of having once been greater.

  • en

    Chris Taylor


    Old Hotel. Bed mattress should have been thrown out 5 years ago. Power points didn't work in room. Dinner in restaurant was disappointing but had pleasant ambience. Poor Thai food at the breakfast buffet .... they should be embarrassed to serve it in Thailand.... it was like old petrol station foodcourt food ... from a hotel??? Room was quiet which I was happy.

  • Giulio Daprelà

    Giulio Daprelà


    Excellent value for the money the structure is old but rooms are decent and reasonably cleaned for a Thai hotel. Good breakfast

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