WIANG INN i Chang Wat Chiang Rai

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893, Phaholyothin Road, 57000, Amphoe Mueang Chiang Rai, Chang Wat Chiang Rai, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 53 711 533
internet side: www.wianginn.com
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Latitude: 19.903896, Longitude: 99.833681

kommentar 5

  • en

    Derek Wollen


    Comfortable room; clean; odd policy of charging more for a double bed over two singles; the pool needs updating and the surrounds a pressure wash; very good breakfast included by variety and quality; normal expensive hotel laundry; walking distance to the clock and a myriad of small bars/restaurants. Hint: stand in the carpark and book over the internet to save!

  • Kamran Saeed

    Kamran Saeed


    Great place easy to approach any were in chaing rai historical places hotel acomodation is best with helpful staff I give 5 star thanks wiang inn hotel

  • Peter Gysegem

    Peter Gysegem


    My stay here was pleasant as were the staff. The room was clean and comfortable. The included breakfast was adequate but not great. If I had stayed more than a week, I would probably have eaten elsewhere. Nonetheless, it was okay and convenient.

  • Mohd Tajudin Md Ali

    Mohd Tajudin Md Ali


    I guess this is more than convenient hotel. Five minutes walk from bus station, if you travel by bus. Lovely setup with buffet break-first. A live music if you prefer to stay indoor. Room are clean and spacious. Best of all, they really ensure the cleanliness to the perfection right before you step in your room. Worth the money you spend to stay in this hotel.

  • Stephen Morris

    Stephen Morris


    Very nice and well maintained hotel. Excellent breakfast. I loved that it was really close to the night market and not to bad of a walk to the old city as well. I will also say the hot water and water pressure was some of the best I've had at any hotel.

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