The Rama Residence / The Rama Hotel i Chiang Rai

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ThailandThe Rama Residence / The Rama Hotel



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217/1 moo 19 Sub district, Chiang Rai, เชียงราย 57000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 81 671 7814
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Latitude: 19.9146294, Longitude: 99.8466522

kommentar 5

  • Stuart C

    Stuart C


    good hotel room for the price. nice service. breakfast is basic and its located a long walk from center of town but good for quiet relaxing night

  • Alex Granas

    Alex Granas


    Big clean and modern rooms. Very nice people. Room amenities are good. Does not have a hotel feel, more like an apartment building. Quiet location close to a main road for quick access but far enough to keep the noise away.

  • en

    פאדי נסראלדין


    Nice and clean room, friendly staff, running hot watter. We had a wetness in the wall which we told the staff about it, and all they did was move the bed, did'nt even replace the wet bed covers.

  • en

    Pedal Repair


    The hotel is nice, clean, and seems well maintained. Our rooms are exactly what we expected and the price is very fair. The breakfast is ok if you like a mainly Thai style breakfast, but there are a few Western options as well. Only real complaint is that the WiFi is a bit spoty

  • Ji Yoo

    Ji Yoo


    Clean, basic rooms - very good price to quality ratio - quiet due to being about 100 yards off the main highway - staff is friendly and responsive to request a - breakfast buffet is good with Asian tilt but there is also fried eggs, sausage, cereal, toast. Need a taxi to get to downtown or a 20 min walk to downtown

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