🕗 godziny otwarcia
Niedziela | - | |||||
PoniedziaÅek | - | |||||
Wtorek | - | |||||
Åroda | zamkniete | |||||
Czwartek | - | |||||
PiÄ tek | - | |||||
Sobota | - |
101, Ratchadamnoen Klang Road, 10200, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, TH Thailand
kontakt telefon: +66 2 281 5361
wiÄksza mapa i wskazÃģwkiLatitude: 13.7564435, Longitude: 100.5051959
Annop Bongsudthiraks
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G L Littleton
::It's the Queen's Gallery. The majority of the paintings are of the King. They did have a Ukraine artist work on display 4 the floor. The 5 the floor was vacant. They do have an elevator.
Tim Laven
::Enjoyed a time wandering through a traditional Art Gallery - some wonderful images here and respect.
mick mooney
::In May-June there is always an exhibition of graduate students from all over Thailand. There are always a number of brilliant pieces which can be bought from anywhere from ÂĢ200-2000. It's a great couple of hours to spend there. Plus on the top floor they can often have exceptionally good craft items (figurines, trad inlaid painting, leather, and fabric goods) which are funky.
Olga Shapovalova
::Cheap admission. Bot contemporary art. But Thai painting. Most about their royal family and the King. If you have nothing to do - it's ok place.