The Grand Riverside Hotel i Naimuang

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandThe Grand Riverside Hotel



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59 Phra Ruang Rd, Naimuang, Mueang, พิษณุโลก 65000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 55 248 333
internet side:
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Latitude: 16.8147925, Longitude: 100.2592704

kommentar 5

  • en

    ravindran muthukumaraswamy


    This hotel and tpark seems to be the same group but this hotel the ambience and service is better than tpark.rooms are old but kept clean and nice.staff working here are very helpful.qill recommend !!!!

  • Marc Nealer

    Marc Nealer


    Great location and fantastic views over the city especially on new years eve watching the fireworks




    Great resident, next to the rivers you can walk around to see the local with other food restaurants.

  • en

    Patrick Low


    Overall the staff are friendly and helpful. Our wives encountered a rude junior chef in the coffee house who was cooking porridge for breakfast. She was unfriendly at all and refused to provide additional ingredients for the porridge. She was very annoying and exhibited her anger for no reasons. The coffee house manager or supervisor who was a man was very professional. We did not highlight to him over his staff rudeness. There is lack of facilities in this hotel.

  • Manash Jyoti Chutia

    Manash Jyoti Chutia


    Location is very nice. You can enjoy the view of the river and bridge if you take the top floor rooms. Breakfast is very nice. Rooms are also very clean and spacious. There is night market and a lot of restaurants nearby.

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