Sarpuri Massage i Krung Thep Maha Nakhon

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ThailandSarpuri Massage



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Sai, 10100, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, TH Tajlandia
kontakter telefon: +66 89 827 0300
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Latitude: 13.7408702, Longitude: 100.511272

kommentar 2

  • Max Tailor

    Max Tailor


    Awesome authentic massage. Been there twice, both was amazing. Very kind stuff, they really pay attention.

  • Jacoba Anderson

    Jacoba Anderson


    Okay, let me start off by saying, my 5 stars is for cleanliness, prompt service, friendly helpful staff, great Chinese massage/ reflexology. Now, as a westerner it's important to understand that Chinese massage and reflexology is not like a massage you will get in the states, (unless your specifically getting a Chinese massage in the states but I'm generalizing here) they are rougher and break up fascia scar tissue and improve blood flow. After days of walking in Thailand and before leaving for home anticipating my long flight this did the trick. I got and hr foot which includes legs and added back and neck. All for only 200 baht! I don't know if I got a deal or what but I feel like I did. So much so I also tipped may masseur LULU an extra 100 Baht because that's what nice westerners do. Please note: this is not a fancy spa or in fact, even a spa. You will not get a happy ending (gross), there is not fufu aromatherapy it's camphor (which is quite nice after the humidity and pollution of Bangkok), and there isn't lulling spa music (you get musak). This is a hole in the wall but on the factors I listed above a 5star hole in the wall! If you're in Chinatown you should try it, ask for LULU, she's a sweet ole' gal, speaks enough English, and will take care of those sore feet.

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