sin informaciÃģn
🕗 horarios
Domingo | ⚠ | |||||
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SÃĄbado | ⚠ |
241-242 āļŦāļĄāļđāđ 6, Phla Road, 21130, Phla, Amphoe Ban Chang, TH Thailand
contactos telÃĐfono: +66 94 485 5286
sitio web:
mapa e indicacionesLatitude: 12.671028, Longitude: 101.058411
Bombhin x
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Danai Charoensintaweekoon
::Royal Phala Cliff Beach Resort is very close to U-Tapao Rayong-Pattaya International Airport. That makes many tourist and airline staff stay on this hotel. The hotel is close to the beach but the path to the beach quite dangerous from broken sidewalk and 1 elevator also out of service (there are 2 elevators). The breakfast is a on standard but you have to come a bit early or just come after 9 a.m. otherwise you will face with other tourist guess. Overall this is good hotel in the best location and very reasonable price where you can bring your friends and family to spend your holiday.
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Justin Yoshida
::Pros: Great pools, and easy beach access via elevator with decent beach at lower tide levels (water quality is not good, and there is a trash problem, but it's the same all down this coast). The rooms are spacious and you can leave the air conditioner on all day (although the maids turn it off after cleaning). The staff is amenable to requests if you speak some Thai. Parking is ample and close to the lobby. Cons: You really need your own transportation to enjoy staying here, as there's not a whole lot around the immediate area. The hotel restaurant is OK, but there are MUCH better places in downtown Ban Chang. Also, I've suggested they delete the English listing on Google Maps for this place that shows it in downtown Rayong, where we wasted a good hour searching for it, and instead attempted to edit this listing with an English subtitles. Not yet classified as pro or con: There is a new resort a couple lots down being painted like Soviet moden art from the 1980s. It has to be seen to be believed.
Berit Hansen
::Kun kold vand i bruseren, trods vi har klaget. Personalet forstod ikke problemet og blev sur. DÃĨrlig wifi . Fik en efter regning pÃĨ 300 bat pr nat, da vi rejste . Stranden var beskidt og ingen stole. DÃĨrlig til prisen.