New Wangthong Hotel i Krung Thep Maha Nakhon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandNew Wangthong Hotel


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304, Maha Chai Road, 10200, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, TH Tajlandia
kontakter telefon: +66 2 221 6700
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Latitude: 13.751219, Longitude: 100.503914

kommentar 5

  • id

    Novi Puspita Sari


    Kotor ga ada lift tidak nyaman

  • en

    Yogesh Gurung


    Not good room and service was poor

  • en

    jiwan shrestha


    Budget hotel with mediocre bathrooms..very old infrastructures...

  • Rohan Labde

    Rohan Labde


    Hotel is good for stay if you want a cheaper one...500 bhat for 1 night and check out at 12 pm.. Rooms are good enough...with hot water available...tea and coffee service available at 15 bhat each Staff is good enough and many indians stay at this hotel. No indian restaurants nearby...need to walk 15 mints near gurudwara india emporium mall.. 7 11 shop is 5 minutes walking

  • en



    This place is nightmare. The best thing about it is, that i appreciate the beauties of the world much more now. So lets begin : The lights didnt work Air-con didnt work TV didnt work And the worst thing is that, this place is dirty as hell, full of mold. I recommend this place, if any of you is planning to commit suicide, because no one will notice in that terrible smell. We ran away at 4am and we were glad we have survived.

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