Miramar Hotel i Krung Thep Maha Nakhon

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ThailandMiramar Hotel


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777 ถนนมหาไชย แขวงวังบูรพาภิรมย์ Khwaeng Wang Burapha Phirom, Khet Phra Nakhon, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10200, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 2 222 4191
internet side: www.miramarbangkok.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 13.7472418, Longitude: 100.5034266

kommentar 5

  • en

    Pascal Morf


    The hotel is set at a main road, which means that it's really loud in the rooms because the windows aren't isolated. You can always hear traffic noises.

  • Jeffrey Foong

    Jeffrey Foong


    Nice clean quite hotel. Lots of street food.about 400 meterez down the road

  • en

    Adrian R


    Nice service, but the hotel is not the cleanest one. Location is very loud - buy you know it is Bangkok. Quality to price ratio is good

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    Sheena Haines


    Nice hotel, great staff. A bit noisy and not in a great area

  • Marty Zaborski

    Marty Zaborski


    It's a nice hotel for $, nothing fancy, but when you plan to see Bangkok instead of sitting in your rooms, this is sufficient. Desk help is nice and helpful, restaurant downstairs is actually not bad, compared to other places pretty cheap, they have a bar as well, overall it's a nice cheap place that doesn't feel cheap to stay while in Bangkok, one thing I love about this hotel is a tour guy that is in the lobby, he drove us around, he recommends places to see, I booked him for two days, worth every penny, I might come back to this hotel in a feature.

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