Mantrini Hotel i ตำบล รอบเวียง

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ThailandMantrini Hotel


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ถน พหลโยธิน, 57000, ตำบล รอบเวียง, อำเภอ เมืองเชียงราย, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 53 601 555
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Latitude: 19.888402, Longitude: 99.835652

kommentar 5

  • Eddie Tan

    Eddie Tan


    I stayed on 10/4/18 for 1 night with my family, for sure i will be back again n will recommend to my friends too. Very reasonable room rate, Nice place, quiet, clean, friendly n very polite staffs. Nice breakfast n nice set up.. Strongly recommended. Ps: i am working in hotel line too so you can trust me on my review.

  • Alienki Zq

    Alienki Zq


    Nice place romantic for couple for honeymood. Central to most places . Shopping beside and Thai massage. Night Bazaar near by. Dont forget wake up 3am arrange with driver visit Phu chi fa. Make sure well dress and torchlights to make the small climb to peak.

  • Kittipong JAOJARUEK

    Kittipong JAOJARUEK


    Design is nice. Many parking lot. Service is fine. My room is a superior, decoration look regular nice and clean level is also regular good. Breakfast was on the 2nd floor and their foods are ok. Location is just near shopping mall (Central Plaza).

  • Pamela Jackson

    Pamela Jackson


    Great accommodations. Peaceful environment lovey rooms. Great breakfast with a mix of Asian and European food. Great staff!

  • en

    Andrew Fossum


    Extremely nice hotel! Staff is very friendly and always there to help with every need. Food is very traditional with a free breakfast. Service pick up from the airport was a huge plus. The free WiFi was nice and fast even out by the pool. The rooms are very comfortable with nice furniture and comfortable beds. One of the best nights of sleep I've had in a while.

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