Hip Inn Coffee i พิษณุโลก

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ThailandHip Inn Coffee



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39/5 Sanambin Road Phitsanulok, ตำบล ในเมือง อำเภอเมืองพิษณุโลก พิษณุโลก 65000, Tajlandia
kontakter telefon: +66 55 211 623
internet side: www.hipinncoffee.com
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Latitude: 16.8047645, Longitude: 100.2701207

kommentar 5

  • Dean Southall

    Dean Southall


    Nice place around 20 minutes walk from the train station. They have free wifi and a toilet. The decor was nice. My coffee latte iced was 55 Baht. Not too bad. Remember to ask for not sweet unless you like your coffee Thai style, very sweet indeed.

  • th

    Waramporn Chantavongviriya


    ลืมถ่ายห้องพัก แต่ดีนะคะ ราคา 700 บาทรวมอาหารดช้าและเมนูกาแฟอีก 1 แก้ว ในเมืองโอเคเลย

  • Chaiyot Ounsudkrong

    Chaiyot Ounsudkrong


    บริการดีครับ แต่ห้องเหม็นอับนิดนึ่ง ด้านล่างมีกลิ่นห้องน้ำ โดยรวมโอเคดี

  • Len Tukwila

    Len Tukwila


    Could Live Here for a Month Pros: Eclectic decorations for a homey touch, clean comfortable large room, not much commotion, easy-going atmosphere. Also, great coffee and tea! Cons: Nothing especially I didn't like, though a public wireless computer printer would be handy as well as variety for the complimentary breakfast. Location: Very close to airport, a medium walk into "downtown", family run noodle cart across the street and great open air hot pot restaurant just down the street. Review: I hate plain generic hotels -- especially when I'm staying for a while. But, I also don't enjoy "B&Bs" or guest houses as I kind of keep weird hours and schedules. Hip Inn provided a perfect fit for me for 9 days on one occasion and another 5 days stay later on. I will return again for sure. 1st floor is a coffee shop/café with an eclectic mix of decorations and furniture which provided a nice place to hang out to work on my scrapbooks, write letters, and enjoy their absolutely top shelf espresso drinks. Throughout the little hotel were all sorts of interesting curios and collections of small things like toy Volkswagen busses and larger things like Vespa scooters and old typewriters. Felt as though I decorated it myself. The floors were all polished concrete which avoids the dust and mildew and bugs which congregate in carpets, plus a modern aesthetic to older bldg. Most importantly though, my room was spacious, clean & had a large comfortable bed, a great shower, as well as a small refrigerator with bottled water and closet for hanging up/airing out my clothes. The room had lots of windows so it was bright and cheerful, but could also be shut down to block out light as I tend to sleep late. Despite my lack of Thai language, the staff were cooperative and helpful as we communicated through Google translate to arrange taxis, send laundry out, etc. Worth noting that I wasn't there for "sightseeing" per se but rather for medical treatment so it was nice to come home to a welcoming place.

  • kiratipatra promwatchanalak

    kiratipatra promwatchanalak



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