Comsaed River Kwai Resort i Tambon Lat Ya

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ThailandComsaed River Kwai Resort


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89 หมู่ 5 Tambon Lat Ya, Amphoe Mueang Kanchanaburi, Chang Wat Kanchanaburi 71190, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 2 934 8111
internet side:
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Latitude: 14.1085917, Longitude: 99.3902761

kommentar 5

  • en

    กันตชัย บูลกุล


    Over 2 thousand trees within this huge resort. There are also water sports while there. If you like to spend a holiday away from busy life style in a quiet environment, you've come to the right place. Downside is a bit of problem communicating with staff in Englush. But eventually, you can get by.

  • Wuttichai Wutti-Udomlert

    Wuttichai Wutti-Udomlert


    The property is quite old and not well maintained.

  • Warith Vatanaplachaigoon

    Warith Vatanaplachaigoon


    It is a good resort and have many beautiful garden. The water is too hot!

  • TheRDMagee



    The grounds of the resort are wonderful. It's nice to sit by the river and fall asleep. The rooms were just rooms, nothing special. Hot water lacked pressure, the a/c was good, as was wifi. Breakfast was passable.

  • en

    Jenny Rephaeli


    Very unorganised and terrible service. 8am breakfast buffet with literally no food. Asked for an omelette , never came, ordering from restaurant waited close to an hour for our food. Never any towels at the pool. No toilets at the pool so not very suitable for family with young kids. Safe in room was broken. They said would send another one, never came. Staff look over worked and not the friendliest of people i have come across. The resort is on stunning grounds! But not worth it.

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