Casa Blanca Boutique Hotel Phuket i Chang Wat Phuket

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ThailandCasa Blanca Boutique Hotel Phuket


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26, Phuket Road, 83000, Amphoe Mueang Phuket, Chang Wat Phuket, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 76 219 019
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Latitude: 7.8839568, Longitude: 98.390737

kommentar 5

  • Christie Schulte Kappert

    Christie Schulte Kappert


    Gorgeous building, lovely comfortable clean rooms and best of all fantastic service! All the staff are super friendly and helpful. They helped us arrange transport to and from, book a speedboat to our next stop, and even make changes to existing plans. So wonderful!

  • Jordan Marr

    Jordan Marr


    A nice boutique hotel, with clean, bright rooms right in the middle of Phuket town. We chose it as it has high ratings and it did not disappoint. The service was amazing and just ask the reception for good places to eat and things to see as they know the good spots.

  • en

    Jake B-M


    This hotel is beautiful and the staff are very friendly. Everything was spotlessly clean and well maintained. The pool is small but nice. The bed was comfortable and the AC did a good job. The location of the hotel is fantastic, we walked all over the old town area with no need for a taxi. Good recommendations from the staff on what to see and do in the area. They also helped us arrange drivers when needed for our longer trips out.

  • Senad Music

    Senad Music


    Very attentive staff, best English speakers of all hotels in Thailand so far. Very unusual, historical place, feels a bit like South America. Helped arrange trips, transport, great recommendations. Nice bar just across the street, close to everything else. Some very nice details, highly recommended and very much stands out from classic resorts and big hotel chains.

  • Jimmy Warraich

    Jimmy Warraich


    A cute little boutique hotel in the center of old town Phuket. Great location because it's central to many famous points. The staff service is exceptionally well. They helped book trips, gave your maps and recommends, booked shows, and even provided taxi services. Rooms don't feel like a hotel, but a home with a personal touch. Overall one of the best hotels I've stayed in ever!

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