Ben Guest House i Chang Wat Chiang Rai

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ThailandBen Guest House


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Ratyotha Road, 57000, Amphoe Mueang Chiang Rai, Chang Wat Chiang Rai, TH Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 53 716 775
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Latitude: 19.9039633, Longitude: 99.8234824

kommentar 5

  • en

    David Hall


    Stayed here on & off for 25yrs only got better Exccelent room (very cleen tidy everywhere) pool gardens tip top Food good good for children NO NOISE AT ANY TIME Òn the minus bit far from town Carnt do anything about that Kick back & enjoy Feels shoud be expencive but not A lot of care is taked so that your stay is the best it can be The pool botom is vacumed every morning for about 1hr♢

  • en

    Jo Marston


    Transitional style Thai house with a beautiful quiet garden to relax in, swimming pool, restaurant that is lovely. Lovely clean accommodation with the room cleaned everyday. The staff are very helpful too. Close enough to walk into the city with the night market a nice 15 stroll. Lovely area with so much to see and do.

  • en

    Nick Bower


    Claims to be a 20 minute walk to the centre, maybe a 20 minute run would be more accurate. No fridge in the room!

  • Elefteria Mantzorou

    Elefteria Mantzorou


    Great price and friendly people.

  • chanawat lohachala

    chanawat lohachala


    Seem cheap but it expensive.The room is good, though

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