🕗 horarios
Domingo | abierto 24 horas | |||||
Lunes | abierto 24 horas | |||||
Martes | abierto 24 horas | |||||
MiÃĐrcoles | abierto 24 horas | |||||
Jueves | abierto 24 horas | |||||
Viernes | abierto 24 horas | |||||
SÃĄbado | abierto 24 horas |
1302, Bang Na-Trat Road, 10260, āļāļĢāļļāļāđāļāļāļĄāļŦāļēāļāļāļĢ, TH Thailand
contactos telÃĐfono: +66 2 746 8630
mapa e indicacionesLatitude: 13.6667769, Longitude: 100.6354724
Bobby Tucker
::Until a few years ago, this was a very good private hospital that offered quality medical services but was surprisingly inexpensive. Unhappily, this is no longer true. It remains inexpensive, but it no longer can be said to offer quality medical services. Newer doctors are good, but some senior physicians and specialists at this hospital are now, unhappily, decidedly substandard. If you have a serious problem, seek help elsewhere. Wait times to see a physician have become terribly long - often two to three hours. The nurses and staff remain good, but are overworked especially in the afternoons and evenings. A few years ago, before I realized that medical services provided by this hospital were no longer excellent, I had pancreatitis and sought treatment at this hospital. The specialist who attended did not seem good, so I chose to go to another hospital. Although I was not aware of it at the time, it seems that that attending physician effectively blackballed me from the hospital. Yesterday, I dislocated my shoulder. Banga General was the closest hospital, so I went there to have my shoulder relocated. I waited several hours in the emergency room. They then x-rayed my shoulder. The radiologist, who I had never met, then asked to speak to the friend who brought me to the hospital rather than me. I found that strange. The radiologist told my friend to take me to a different hospital. I went and asked him why that might be. He would not give me a reasonable answer - simply telling me I needed to go to a different hospital. He was adamant, so I agreed to do that and asked for the x-rays. The radiologist said he would give me the x-rays and would write a letter. I explained I would not need the letter as whatever hospital I would go to would need to do their own workup. He ignored me and continued to write the letter, so I explained that I would not need thr letter to him in Thai. He again continued to ignore me. (I teach at a public university here, so I speak reasonable Thai.) When I paid the bill, I found I had been charged about the same amount of money for the letter as I was for the x-rays. This sort of vindictiveness is unacceptable anywhere. In the future, I will take the sage advice and not seek services at Bangna General Hospital 1. I suggest you do likewise. This saddens me as, in the past, I used this hospital regularly for my wife, my daughter and I.
hic otesi
::If you have serious problem then you should wait for almost 2 hours to see doctor. Strongly i do NOT advice!!!
princesspuifai ja
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John Hanna
::1- Low-cost private hospital but runs as BAD as free-cost governmental hospitals ! 2- No specialists !! I asked for a dermocologist .. but they sent me to a general doctor !! 3- the general doctor speaks no English !! Or even little .. my Thai friend with me translated .. but even after translation , I found out that doctor has very poor knowledge .. all simple questions we asked , were answered with "don't know actually" plus lots of smiles by the dr. ^^ 4- then we had to pay for this smart doctor visit 550 baht ( about 16 USD) :) 5- Disappointed ... I should have gone to a biggerhospital.. more expensive , but you get what you pay for !
tik otaganonta
::A bit outdated-looking but services are actually ok, staff competant and fees are much lower than its modern counterparts in the vicinity. With well-designed renovation, this small hospital can become a choice of many more patients. (To Bangna 1 Hospital team: If you consider a face-lift, please invest in a good interior designer's service. Don't cut corners and leave it to admins or contractors to decide.)