Baan Thai House Ayutthaya i Tambon Phai Ling

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ThailandBaan Thai House Ayutthaya


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199/19 หมู่ 4 Tambon Phai Ling, อำเภอเมืองพระนครศรีอยุธยา Chang Wat Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 13000, Thailand
kontakter telefon: +66 35 259 760
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Latitude: 14.3577278, Longitude: 100.5883126

kommentar 5

  • Kavita Favelle

    Kavita Favelle


    For the price, this resort hotel is an absolute winner, offering charming spacious villa rooms within a beautiful garden and lake setting. Our room was huge, but with teeny tiny bathroom and toilet, but for a one night stay at the price we paid, not a big deal. The breakfast and food here are also pretty good, handy if you're staying without a car as it's some way out of the old town tourist areas.

  • en

    Meghan Walsh


    Great pool and spa. Exceptional customer service. Thanks for a great stay!

  • en

    Bryan Kinsella


    Beautiful setting near the town. The food was delicious and the staff were excellent

  • Del W

    Del W


    Very calm, kind and helpful staff, restaurant has a limited list of dishes but they are simple and tasty. Beautiful property with little lagoon and much greenery. Loved it!

  • Annica Lundqvist

    Annica Lundqvist


    Lovely place. Peaceful and relaxed atmosphere. Beautiful garden with a lot of nice details. The villas are nice and clean. Absolutely recommended.

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